samedi 1 février 2014

Welcome to Ouzina Rimal BLOG !

Welcome to Ouzina Rimal BLOG !

Travelers, explorers enthusiasts and desert adventures welcome to our hostel bivouac OUZINA RIMAL .

Mohamed, Omar and their team welcome you in the middle of an amazing desert between dunes and mountains. Away from the tourist areas you will share the lives of people in this place full of history and traditions. You will feel at home and guide you at your own pace , and we will do everything to make your stay more enjoyable.

........decimos que sabemos todo, cuando en realidad la vida nos demuestra que el aprendizaje es el dia a dia acumulativo a nuestro diario vivir,,,,DUNAS DE MERZOUGA  un destino Imperdible de RALLYS.. DEPORTES AVENTURAS EXTREMOS, EXCURSIONES A CIELO ABIERTO MARRUECOS UN LUGAR PARA AMAR..palabras de Giggetta Mazzamuto ,Mendoza.Argentina.....

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